Tuesday, May 21, 2019

22nd Egham Raspberry Jam - 14th July 2019

Announcing the 22nd Egham Raspberry Jam to be held on the 14th of July 2019
Free to attend. You just need to register so we know numbers https://eghamjam22.eventbrite.com

At the last Jam we ran two python programming workshops
We are finalising the workshops for the 22nd Jam, but they will be camera related.

Also, at the last Jam we had the first appearance of the new Egham Jam Maze.
It's based on the PiWars maze but modular so can be reconfigured.  Below is a short video of a self-balancing robot navigating the maze.

The maze will be coming back so if you are into building either remote control or autonomous bots this is your chance to test out your skills on out minimal maze.

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