Thursday, September 7, 2017

Announcing 16th Egham Raspberry Jam

Well, that came around quickly.  It's been about 2 months since the last Egham Raspberry Jam and we are already getting ready for the next one on the 15th of October.

Theme: Make Something Scary

With Halloween 2 weeks later this is the perfect time to get your spook on and build something awesome surprise the neighbours

So, get making and register for the 16th Egham Raspberry Jam on Eventbrite.

If you need a little inspiration to get started.

This is one of my favourite Raspberry Pi Halloween builds.

Maybe you want to go a bit bigger and do the whole house.

Or if you really hate the kids in the neighbourhood.

Hopefully, see you in Egham on the 15th of October.

NOTE: Gartner recently opened a new office building.  It's the big one next to the M25.
We're not in this office. We are still in the one next door.
So, for those who've been to the Egham Jam before the venue is the same. For those who haven't it's the one next door the really big building next to the M25.    I promise this will be enough detail to find the right building.

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